Unified Communication for a mountain refuge

Bringing connectivity to the high mountains is by no means impossible: in 2018 we developed a complex Unified Communication system to meet the needs of an alpine hut, providing internet connectivity and signal transmission via a specially laid 7-kilometre fibre optic cable. The project was finalised with VoIP service and a cloud-based PBX telephone system. The refuge now boasts full connectivity as well as a Wi-Fi system with a hotspot for guests.

  • Laying of 7-kilometre fibre optic cable
  • Provision of VoIP service
  • Provision of cloud-based PBX telephone system
  • Wi-Fi installation

Over the years we have designed complex corporate networks, offered highly innovative connectivity services and provided stable connections even for remote mountain huts: discover the Kyma Controls projects in the connectivity sector.

Fibra ottica

Fibre optics and video surveillance

  • Laying a 2.5-kilometre fibre optic cable
  • Installation of video surveillance system
  • Installation and configuration of active network components (router, media converter and managed switches)
Collegamento PTP Wireless

17 GHz PTP wireless connection

  • Definition of performance requirements
  • Choice of devices
  • Morphological analysis
  • Installation and configuration of radio devices
Wifi frequenza libera

Free-frequency Wi-Fi connection

  • Definition of the different sites to be connected
  • Definition of the site where the radio link is to be installed
  • Morphological analysis
  • Installation and configuration of devices

Bespoke industrial automation, custom-designed hydropower and photovoltaics, innovative connectivity solutions: our customers can aim high with Kyma!

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